Unit 10: Campaign Posters

Posters utilising the hashtag (#ItsAbuseWhen):




In these posters I wanted to include the hashtag as a sentence, which I have also done in the campaign video. I have used very simplistic imagery, which I previously experimented with, to give the posters a similar eye-catching style. I also decided to include the link to the Facebook page in the bottom corner in order to link back to this page wherever the posters may be posted.

A factual poster to give more information on the statistics of domestic abuse in the UK:

fact poster

In this poster I included three of the statistics I found in my research which I feel are most powerful when informing people on domestic abuse. I included the hashtag and the profile picture in the background of the poster in order to link back to the campaign, but not distract from the statistics.

For these posters I used a list of forms of domestic abuse from the ManKind website [1], as well as facts and figures from the Office for National Statistics [2].

I have also published a post on the Facebook and Twitter pages, detailing the domestic abuse websites and hotlines people can use when they are being affected by domestic abuse.

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I pinned this post to the top of the Facebook and Twitter pages as I feel it is important information.


[1] Mankind Initiative. (2017). Types of domestic abuse. [online] Available at: http://www.mankind.org.uk/help-for-victims/types-of-domestic-abuse/ [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018].

[2] Cottrill, N. and Cottrill, N. (2017). Domestic abuse in England and Wales – Office for National Statistics. [online] Ons.gov.uk. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/domesticabuseinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2016 [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018].

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